"And the Tide Comes In..."
Supplemental Materials
We have designed a series of activities to accompany the children's book, "And the Tide Comes In," which provides an introduction to salt marsh ecosystems. They were designed by M. Alber, V. Butler, C. Linsky, and E. Torbush, with help from many of the participants in the GCE-LTER Schoolyard program. We will be posting children’s work along with feedback from other people who have used these materials on this website, so please contact us if you would like to share your insights or your student's work for others to see.
These classroom activities have been aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) for Science (S), English Language Arts (ELA) and Art (A), and range from grades 3-7. See Appendix A for a complete listing of standards and an explanation of the coding. (The Appendix also organizes the activities according to grade level.) These materials also address many of the essential principles of ocean literacy that have been identified by scientists and educators nationally as important for inclusion in K-12 classrooms (www.coexploration.org/oceanliteracy/documents/OceanLitConcepts_10.11.05.pdf)
Downloadable Activities and Supporting Materials*
- All book activities
- Appendix A (Georgia Performance Standards)
- Appendix B (Tide Demonstration Activity)
- Printable lesson labels and graphics
* (Note: files require Adobe® Acrobat software to open)