Book Description
Publication Date: December 7, 2012 | Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up | Series: LTER Schoolyard Book Series
“And the Tide Comes In” is a narrative told from the point of view of a young girl who is showing her visiting cousin the salt marsh. The children go to the marsh every day over the course of 4 days, slowly building up their knowledge of the ecosystem. They experience the different stages of the tide, marvel over the adaptations of the plants and animals that they encounter, and have fun getting muddy along the way. The story is specifically focused on salt marshes as transitional environments (part land and part marine) shared by numerous organisms.
Web Resources
Supplementary educational materials for teachers are available on this web site. Please contact us if you would like to use this book in your educational program.
About the Authors
Merryl Alber is a Professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia and the Director of the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island. She is a marine ecologist who has conducted research in salt marshes in both the southeastern and northeastern U.S., and who serves as lead investigator of the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research program.
Joyce Mihran Turley specializes in presenting images of nature with a painterly style and colorful palette, engaging readers of all ages. Her recent works focus on introducing children to the native animals and unique ecosystems of our national parks including Everglades, Grand Canyon, and Glacier.
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